Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Reduce image size in less than 10 KB, using Photo Shop

Step 1: Make a new file in Photoshop with desigred dimension. (In the given image, I took the template forSSC standard image size).

Step2: Open your scanned Photograph into photoshop and drag it into the new created template file.

Note: Here you will observe that the image size is too big to fit in the file. (Scanned photographs are much larger in dimension size).

Step3: Maximize the window of new file.

Step 4: Press “Ctrl + T”. It will show a transformation border around photo. Press “Shift” and Drag Inward any corner of that transformation point till u got desired image proportion. 

Note: While dragging Inwards with Shift key. Often image go outside the canvas border. So just release the shift key and click inside the transformation border and drag the image inside the Canvas. And again you can make image big or small by dragging inwards any transformation corner.

Step 5: After finishing with the position of your photograph. Time to save Image. So goto
“File – Save for Web”. Or press “alt + ctrl  + shift + S”. A dialog box appers. Fill the image format: “JPEG”, and quality.

Note: Adjust the quality as per your choice. Higher the quality higher the image size.

Job Done: Yupeeeeeeeeee...!!!!!

Final results:

2.92 KB with 40% quality

4.87 KB with 70% quality